TGA Medicinal Cannabis Advertising Laws (December 2023)

Disclaimer: The reviews, text, or content you see on TWB is NOT medical advice. All flower reviews were written in a legal state/country such as Canada.

This month the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) made changes to the medicinal cannabis advertising laws. During the 2022-23 period, the TGA issued 101 infringement notices, amounting to $1,292,040, for suspected unauthorized advertising of medicinal cannabis.

What is the TGA?

In Australia, the TGA is in charge of regulating therapeutic goods, which include medications, medical equipment, and vaccinations. Before they may be lawfully supplied in the nation, it evaluates their efficacy, safety, and quality.

When Did Australia legalize Medicinal Cannabis?

In October 2016, Australia legalised medicinal cannabis. The government changed the legislation to allow institutions to grow cannabis for scientific purposes and the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. Growing cannabis for personal use is still prohibited everywhere other than the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

What Are The New TGA Updates?

The TGA have published an article stating the updates, in the words of the TGA, they’ve advised the below:

“This prohibition extends to the use of synonymous words for medicinal cannabis in advertisements such as ‘plant medicine’, or any word that becomes colloquially known as, or synonymous with, medicinal cannabis, as well as the use of medicinal cannabis in business names including logos or pictures.”source

The screenshot below is an example of something that the TGA may flag:


image: screenshot taken on 25.12.23

For all clinics, doctors, pharmacists, and suppliers, I advise you to remove any creative content or signage containing the term “plant-based medicine”. The TGA seem to be cracking down and playing catch up with all brands and cannabis clinics (rightfully so). This change is going to make it even more difficult in an industry already facing rigorous compliance demands.

Here is a list of words and term which may be suitable:

  • Natural therapies
  • Holistic wellness solutions
  • Natural healing remedies

Please check with your compliant team, I won’t be responsible for you receiving a fine.

Disclaimer: The reviews, text, or content you see on TWB is NOT medical advice. All flower reviews were written in a legal state/country such as Canada.

