
    My 10 Favorite Stoner Products

    Here are some of my favorite stoner products and gifts. These essentials enhance my session, make the process more seamless and I hope they do the exact same for you and your friends. There’s no particular order, and none of these brands / products mentioned in this blog has sponsored or paid me.

    1. Rolling Papers

    Papers are clearly an essential part of any stoners kit and session. I have a number of go-to brands which are always on my shopping list:

    RAW Black Thin Papers
    This ones made for the dankest cannabis of them all. Enjoy the smooth burn & flavor.

    RAW Organics
    I’ve always been a fan of RAW Organics, not just for how easy they are to roll with, even with my hands which strain from time to time but I love them also for the way they burn. These also come in cones if you do not want to roll or are great for when you are on the go.

    Element Rice Papers
    These Thin Rice Papers are available in a handful of different variations, from 1 1/4 to King Size, Element papers also offer pre rolled cones which make it easier to “roll” a joint while on the move.

    Zig Zag Papers
    If you have been smoking for a while these would have been one of the first papers you would have seen at your local headshop or tobacconist. These were the first papers I ever picked up, no idea why but I’m going to most likely put it down to the classic packaging and artwork they use.

    2. King Palms

    If you haven’t tried these, you must, not for me but for you, please. King Palms are individually hand rolled, the leaves are from the flowering tree of Cordia (Borage) which are grown on their family farm in South East Asia. These are 100% Natural, burn slow and smoke so smooth your lungs and taste buds will thank you.

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    3. Rolling Tray

    Don’t bother spending money on a small tray, try to look at a wider / bigger tray purely due to the convenience of space. You may want to keep you papers packet, grinder and other materials on your tray rather than putting them back.

    4. Jar / Storage

    I tend to get asked this question a lot, where do I store my weed? You should definitely be storing your cannabis in a jar but which one? My recommendation is MyPharmJar, not only because I am affiliated with them but because they truly make an amazing jar, read my in-depth review.

    5. Boveda Humidity Control

    If you know me in real life, you’ll know every jar of mine has a Boveda sachet, I was introduced by a friend of mine within the industry. The beauty of these packs is that they last up to 2 years, they are available in a variety of packs. It’s well worth the investment to keep your buds fresh. These are not only to keep your cannabis from going moldy, Boveda packs are also great for your cold meats, salami and cigars too. During the hotter months I keep my papers in jars as the humidity and the heat generally ruins my papers, this could be totally different for you!

    6. Hemp Wick

    Hemp what? for the ones who are not aware a hemp wick is a piece of string made of hemp and beeswax. I personally love using a hemp wick, they just tastes cleaner, try it and you will see what I mean! Once you inhale butane almost immediately enters your bloodstream what happens here is your oxygen gets blocked from entering. For my fellow stoners who are looking for a healthier option, a hemp wick is the way to go! Here are some to get you started.

    7. Herb Grinder

    For me, a grinder is so essential I couldn’t imagine chopping a whole nug with scissors, I have seen people do this before. I’ve ended up either giving them or purchasing a grinder. It’s an essential part of the session and process, the grinder will make sure your herbs are cut up just right. Here are some of my recommendations from Amazon based on personal experience.

    8. Tips / Crutches / Roaches

    You may call them one of the above or a filter, simply put it’s there to ensure you’re getting all the terpenes, THC and green goodness rather than using a standard cotton tip filter like you would use if you roll your own tobacco, for the new cannabis smokers / medical patients or anyone that is new to cannabis please know those kind of filtres end up absorbing the THC or at least most of it and ruin the whole experience – If you do please quit, not for me but for you. You can honestly use any kind of tips / roaches they are available in booklets, pre rolled or within your packet of papers. I personally love the RAW Wide tips I pair them up with a 1 1/4, not sure why it could be the smooth smoke or that it is easier to hold! I’ve placed a handful of Amazon links below for you, you’ll be surprised to see the amount of awesome bundles available and they offer a lot of value.

    9. Daily High Club Subscription Box

    If you haven’t heard of The Daily High Club you are living under a rock. Every month the team carefully handpicks items to include in it’s subscription box, this may include new items – like this month they’ve included the RAW Catcher. With each ‘El Primo’ box you will also receive a new glass piece, every month. If you live outside of the U.S. not to worry they also ship international.

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    10. HUM Vape Battery

    Say Hello to The Hum 2! This device offers dual cartridge slots, perfect for patients or if you want CBD during the day and THC at night and a great way to not lose your cartridges. Read our in-depth review!

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